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Journey Berlin
Dear participants of Berlin's first Journey to the End of the Night in 2011!
Thank you for making this game as awesome as it was! We've been having tons of fun with you, and it was especially great to hear the stories of your strange encounters, heroic efforts, narrow escapes, etc. (who was that guy that hid under a parking car? whom did i chase across Berlin Hauptbahnhof?) So, let us share our fondest memories of the Journey! I'm sure you all have at least one story to tell. There are three places that we're gonna look at, collect your stories from, and make them into a book or something.
the facebook event (just write on the wall!)
SF0 (the meta-game for great games like the Journey - you're gonna earn 50 points for having journeyed with us!) (yeah, you may also send us a personal email.
And while we're at it: We'd also reeeeeally appreciate it if we could get some statistics together. For example, WE DON'T KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ACTUALLY MADE IT TO THE FINISH AS RUNNERS! So, if you have two spare minutes, please help us making the next journey even better by answering as many of the following questions as possible (send your answers to ):
- how did you get to know about the journey?
- where are you from?
- what are your age and gender?
- how many checkpoints did you successfully visit (i.e. before getting caught or quitting the game)?
- how many encounters did you have with chasers?
- how many people did you catch (if you were made chaser)?
- how did you like the journey??
Thanks again! Stay awesome! =)
Zusammenfassung / Summary
Das Spiel beginnt hier:
JourneyBerlin "Creatures of the Night" ein Laufspiel durch Berlin Mi 11. Mai 2011 19:30 vor Bismark memorial am Grossen Stern (im Tiergarten) Strasse des 17. Juni GPS: 52.515927, 13.349783
Die Journey startet nach einer kurzen Erläuterung der Regeln, währenddessen die Laufzettel und Armbinden ausgeteilt werden. Sei am besten pünktlich um 19:30 Uhr am Startpunkt, da Du sonst wichtige Informationen verpassen könntest. Du kannst noch bis um ungefähr 20:30 Uhr Deine Journey beginnen - jedoch haben die früheren Teilnehmer dann natürlich schon einigen Vorsprung
The game starts right here:
JourneyBerlin "Creatures of the Night" a fun race through Berlin on Wed May 11th 2011 7:30pm in front of the Bismarck memorial at Grosser Stern (Tiergarten) Strasse des 17. Juni GPS: 52.515927, 13.349783
The journey will start after a short introduction to the rules while the runners' slips will be handed out. Make sure, you're on time, as you might miss vital information. You can start your journey roughly until 8:30pm but the others will have quite some advantage by then
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- talk to us on the mailing list and IRC channel
- send links to photos and stories (blogs)
- send email to us with your suggestions
- send us your run (the data of your GPS device)
register on and get points for your narrative!
'''Journey Berlin''' is a race through Berlin's city streets. Run from the beginning to the destination through a given list of check points. Avoid the chasers and don't get caught! If you do get caught - catch 'em yourself!
You can win the game in either of three ways:
- You are the fastest runner to reach the destination.
- You caught the most other people during the race.
- You score highest on the "quest". NEW!
Journey Berlin is a race through city streets. You will try to make it to six (possibly more) checkpoints as fast as you can, while avoiding being caught by chasers. Those who are caught will become chasers themselves, rising to pursue their former friends and allies. This is a footrace–only your own two feet and public transit are permitted. No bicycles, no skates, no cars, no taxis. When you sign in, you will be given a map (indicating the checkpoints) and two ribbons. The player ribbon you tie on your arm at the beginning - it identifies that you are a player, and it must be clearly visible. Hiding your ribbon is considered cheating. The chaser ribbon you hope to never use. When the organizers start the event, they will tell you who to look for at the first checkpoint and give the signal to begin. You should immediately start moving to the first checkpoint. Once you reach it, you must find the agent waiting to sign your map. When you do, have them sign; they will then tell you who to look for at the next checkpoint; and so on until you reach the end, where there will be drinks and merriment. Whoever reaches the end first, wins. However, there will also be people who are trying to stop you. These are the chasers. Each chaser wears a chaser ribbon on their arm. If a chaser tags you, you must give them your player ribbon as a trophy; you now put on your chaser ribbon and become a chaser yourself. Your job is to find and tag the other players, preventing them from safely reaching the finish. There are some areas where you will be safe from chasers. An area around each checkpoint will be safe, an area for you to rest and recover; these areas will be marked on your map. In addition, all trains and buses are safe, but not their stations. While in these safe zones, you cannot tag or be tagged. You must go to the checkpoints in order. If you arrive at a checkpoint after the Agent has left, you may ask a stranger to sign your manifest. Prizes will be awarded for top finishers, best chaser, and other categories determined by the organizers.
Q: what do you recommend to bring for the race? A: here is a list of items to bring to the race:
- a camera maybe
- a day ticket or similar for public transport (BVG) (6,30euros)
- a pair of good shoes
- rucksack with some water and maybe a replacment tshirt
- some emergency first aid stuff like a band aid and an ice spray
Q: is there a party planned? A: no. there is no party planned yet.
but if anyone wants to do some planning on catering or even BBQing - get in touch!
Geschichte / History
Erfunden wurde die Journey von der "Playtime Anti-Boredom Society" aus San Francisco. Seit 1996 finden Journeys in Städten der ganzen Welt statt: San Francisco, Chicago, London, Mexico City, Wien, Aachen, Budapest und Berlin. Zu Sylvester ist das Spiel besonders beliebt und dann als "Journey To The End Of The Year" - wie auch schon zweimal in Berlin stattgefunden - bekannt. In seiner Heimat San Francisco nehmen regelmäßig tausende Teilnehmer an der mysteriösen Jagd teil - dieses Ziel will jetzt auch Berlin erreichen.
Journey Berlin is a game based on the game "Journey to the End of the Night".
2011 02 26 |
Sa |
11-14h |
@WirtshausStresemann Meetup (sveng+ninin) |
2011 03 12 |
Sa |
11-14h |
2011 03 26 |
Sa |
11-14h |
2011 04 11 |
Mo |
Portfolio ready | Pressemappe fertig |
2011 04 16 |
Sa |
11-14h |
2011 04 26 |
Tu |
18-22h |
2011 04 30 |
Sa |
15-18h |
2011 05 04 |
We |
Route abgehen | Walking the Route |
2011 05 05 |
Th |
Print Map | Route drucken |
2011 05 08 |
Su |
11-14h |
2011 05 11 |
We |
19:30-23:30h |
JourneyBerlin! |
Organizational Committee
Have a look at the list of persons on the Organizational Committee
We need three (or more) helpers ("agents") at each location (start, checkpoints, destination). can you help us? Please get in touch, by writing a mail to
drawback: you must not give away an internal info as this could give an unfair advantage to runners.
- create some clothing for the checkpoint's theme
- create some nice activities and questions for points
At the game:
- preparation: take a few pens (for signatures)
- at start: count the number of runners
- be at checkpoint on time
- sign the runners' papers, ask them questions, and make them participate in the activites
- count the number of signed runners
- jon the fun at the end
we encourage that you apply as a group of three (or more) people. and we are happy when you create your own style/theme for it. (Dracula, Gothic, Steam Punk, Zombie.. - whatever!)
you should talk and descide about these things:
- design: what kind of clothes are you wearing?
- mobility: are you at a fixed location - or are you a moving target?
- symbol: how will you be recognized? (umbrella?)
Dear runners - please register here!
Enter your name and the city you are from.
(why? we simply need an estimate to the number of people participating. thank you for your cooperation!
- icke (Berlin)
- CP: check point
- agents: helfer an den check points
- chaser: Jaeger
- runner: Laeufer
see also: |
Journey to the End of the Night (Spiel) |
HomePage to this event |
Homepage (not yet |
... |
... |
Erfahrungsberichte von vergangenen Journeys |
Das Spiel zum 27C3 am 2010-12-31 |
Invisible Playground |
Gratis in Berlin |
Upcoming Journey Events:
Title |
City |
Country |
URLs |
2011-04-22 |
Journey to the End of Night |
Budapest |
Hungary |
2011-04-23 |
Hunters of the Paleo-Aristocracy |
San Francisco |
US |
2011-05-07 |
Journey to the End of Night |
Chicago |
US |
2011-05-11 |
Journey Berlin |
Berlin |
Germany |
2011-05-14 |
Survive DC 2011 |
Washington D.C. |
US |
2011-06-03 |
Night of Street Art |
?? |
?? |
BY: Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). NC: Noncommercial You may not use this work for commercial purposes.